Epilepsy Management and Treatment in the Philippines | The Medical City

The Medical City Neurology Center
4/F Podium Bldg.

Contact Numbers
(632) 8-988-1000/(632) 8-988-7000 loc. 6270

Open daily from 8:00AM to 5:00PM except Sundays and Holidays
All procedures are by appointment only.


Professional Epilepsy Management and Treatment in the Philippines

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain, causing recurring seizures. Seizures can manifest in various forms, affecting behavior, awareness, and movement.

It's important to know that people with epilepsy lead fulfilling lives with proper management. If you or someone you care about has epilepsy, compassionate medical support can help in understanding and effectively navigating this condition.

Is Epilepsy in the Philippines common?

Epilepsy is prevalent in the Philippines, with an estimated 1 million Filipinos affected. Access to epilepsy treatment in the Philippines is essential for managing this neurological condition effectively.

Who is at Risk of Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a condition that can impact individuals from all walks of life, emphasizing the need for careful consideration and understanding. While certain factors, such as a family history of epilepsy or previous brain injuries, may elevate the risk, it's crucial to recognize that epilepsy is not limited by age, background, or lifestyle. This condition can affect anyone, and a comprehensive understanding of its various triggers and manifestations is vital for a compassionate and informed approach to care and support.

What Happens During an Epileptic Seizure?

During an epileptic seizure, a temporary disruption occurs in the normal electrical activity of the brain, giving rise to a spectrum of symptoms. These manifestations can encompass momentary confusion, characterized by a distant stare, to more intense convulsions where the individual may experience uncontrolled muscle movements. It's important to note that the nature and intensity of seizures can vary widely among individuals, highlighting the unique aspect of each person's experience with epilepsy.

What Triggers Seizures?

Triggers for epileptic seizures differ from person to person and can be influenced by various factors. These may encompass everyday stressors, insufficient sleep, exposure to flickering lights, hormonal fluctuations, or specific medications. Recognizing and effectively managing these triggers is a key component in achieving better control over seizures and enhancing overall well-being.

What are the Symptoms of Epilepsy?

The spectrum of symptoms associated with epileptic seizures is diverse, reflecting the uniqueness of each individual's experience. These manifestations can range from brief lapses of awareness to more pronounced convulsions. Additionally, signs may include staring spells, repetitive movements, or unusual sensations. Diagnosing epilepsy involves careful observation of patterns and recurrent occurrences of seizures.

What Causes Epilepsy?

Epilepsy can have various causes, reflecting the complexity of this condition. Factors such as brain injuries, tumors, infections, genetic predispositions, and developmental disorders are recognized contributors. In many cases, the exact cause remains unknown.

How Do You Treat Epilepsy?

Treatment aims to control seizures and enhance quality of life. Medications, lifestyle adjustments, and, in some cases, surgery or neurostimulation are utilized. Consultation with an epileptologist in the Philippines is crucial for personalized epilepsy management.

Can Lifestyle Changes Help Manage Epilepsy?

Absolutely. Lifestyle adjustments, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, managing stress, and avoiding known triggers, can significantly contribute to seizure control. Neurologists often work with individuals to develop personalized strategies that align with their lifestyle.

Are There Alternative Therapies for Epilepsy Management?

Complementary approaches like yoga, relaxation techniques, and dietary modifications may be considered in conjunction with medical treatments. It's important to consult with a neurologist to explore these options and ensure they align with an individual's overall treatment plan.

How Does Epilepsy Impact Daily Life?

Epilepsy can vary widely in its impact. While some individuals experience minimal disruptions, others may face challenges in daily activities. Understanding these variations is crucial for tailoring support and epilepsy treatment in the Philippines, allowing individuals to lead fulfilling lives despite the condition.