Adolescent Medicine | The Medical City

Regular operating hours are between 9:00AM to 6:00PM daily except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

(632) 8-988-1000 / (632) 8-988-7000 ext. 6322
The Pediatric Multispecialty Wellness Clinic is located at Center for Wellness and Aesthetics (CWA), 6th floor, Podium Building

For inquiries, please call tel. nos. (632) 988-1000 / (632) 988-7000 ext. 6265


Adolescent Medicine at The Medical City

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What is Adolescent Medicine?

Adolescent medicine in the Philippines is a specialized branch of healthcare that focuses on the medical, emotional, and social needs of adolescents and young adults. It addresses issues related to physical and emotional development during this transitional phase.

What Age Is Considered Adolescent?

Adolescence typically spans from around 10 to 21 years of age, encompassing the pre-teen and teenage years.

How are Adolescent Health Specialists Different from Pediatricians?

Adolescent Health Specialists are trained to address the unique needs and challenges of adolescents, including issues related to puberty, mental health, sexual health, and substance abuse. Pediatricians are general practitioners who care for patients from infancy through adolescence but may not specialize in the specific concerns of older adolescents.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs to See an Adolescent Health Specialist?

Consider consulting an Adolescent Health Specialist if your child is experiencing issues related to puberty, emotional health, sexual health, substance use, or if you have concerns about their overall well-being during the adolescent years.

What is a Typical Visit Like?

A typical visit to an Adolescent Health Specialist may include discussions about the adolescent's physical and emotional development, addressing concerns, providing guidance on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle, and addressing any specific health issues. The specialist may also discuss sensitive topics like sexual health and mental well-being.

How Often Do They Need to See Them?

The frequency of visits to an Adolescent Health Specialist may vary depending on the individual's needs. Regular check-ups are recommended, and the specialist will guide the appropriate schedule based on the adolescent's health status and any specific concerns.

What are Some Common Issues That Adolescent Health Specialists Address?

Adolescent Health Specialists commonly address issues like puberty, growth and development, emotional well-being, sexual health, reproductive health, substance abuse, mental health, and chronic health conditions.

Are Adolescent Health Specialists Trained to Maintain Patient Confidentiality?

Yes, Adolescent Health Specialists are trained to respect patient confidentiality. They create a safe and confidential environment to encourage open and honest communication between the adolescent and the healthcare provider.

Can Parents Be Present During Visits to An Adolescent Health Specialist?

While parents or guardians are often welcome during parts of the visit, some discussions may be held privately with the adolescent to allow them to express their concerns or questions freely.

How Can an Adolescent Health Specialist Support Adolescents Dealing with Mental Health Issues?

Adolescent Health Specialists can provide support for adolescents dealing with mental health issues by offering assessments, counseling, and referrals to mental health professionals when necessary. They help in the early detection and management of mental health concerns.