Patient Services | The Medical City
PATIENT SERVICES / Aesthetics Center

Aesthetic Dermatology Services

Having your preventive health check at The Medical City’s Wellness and Aesthetics Institute has many benefits. One of the benefits is that skin assessment is included in the holistic examination of a patient. The human skin is the outer covering of the body and is the largest organ of the body. The total skin surface of an adult ranges from 12 to 20 square feet. A careful skin assessment can alert the doctor of any skin problems as well as systemic diseases.

Skin Assessment at The Medical City’s Aesthetic Center

Having your preventive health check at The Medical City’s Wellness and Aesthetics Institute has many benefits. One of the benefits is that skin assessment is included in the holistic examination of a patient. The human skin is the outer covering of the body and is the largest organ of the body. The total skin surface of an adult ranges from 12 to 20 square feet. A careful skin assessment can alert the doctor of any skin problems as well as systemic diseases.

Skin examination includes the skin from head to toe including the nails, scalp, hair and mucous membranes. Extra attention is given to growths and areas of pigmentation that may lead to potential issues. Areas with itchiness, pain, discomfort, heat or reduced sensation is usually correlated with the medical history of the patient.

The Visia Skin Analysis is a printed report that captures key visual information for eight areas affecting facial skin health and appearance. These eight areas are wrinkles, spots, texture, pores, brown spots (related to sun exposure), porphyrins (evidence of bacteria in pores), red areas and UV spots (skin damage due to overexposure to the sun). By comparing these information against a standard database, the Visia Skin Analysis, which is provided to patients, enables the Dermatologist to present the optimal treatments and skin care options which are tailored for them.


All Dermatologists who do skin assessment have been trained in Dermoscopy. This non-invasive imaging technique has become an important diagnostic aide in identifying skin lesions that have a high likelihood of being malignant (i.e., melanoma) and to assist in differentiating them from benign lesions that clinically mimic these cancers.

Dermoscopy can be used to zoom in on a mole and to accurately see diagnostic details under the surface which are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. Moles recorded by dermoscopy can be compared over time, enabling detection of the slightest change in character. Moles undergoing pre-cancerous or cancerous change can be immediately detected.

By learning the importance of keeping the skin healthy, our patient will understand the importance of their skin, its connection with underlying conditions, and the tools that they need to heal and reduce risk of skin problems in the future.

For inquiries or appointments for skin assessment, please call TMC's Wellness and Aesthetics Institute at tel. no. 8988-1000 / 8988-7000 ext. 6588 / 6592.

Visia Complexion Analysis System

The patient's complexion is the window through which her image is projected to the world and now the Visia Complexion Analysis System provides the information necessary to truly individualize facial rejuvenation and skin care regimens to match unique complexion profiles.

This system is the most in-depth tool for evaluating individual facial characteristics. It can analyze your skin to measure features such as evenness, wrinkles, sun damage, sun spots and pores.

The basis for this is a camera unit which sends high quality photographs to a high speed computer. The computer calculates both the standard and UV photos and gives results which are plotted on a diagram with the patients' picture.

The dermatologists' clinical evaluation combined with the visia systems' objective measurements can now be used to give patients optimum anti-aging treatment planning and monitoring for restoring skin health.

Fillers and Toxins

Soft Tissue Fillers and Botolinium Toxin Injection

What can we do to grow old gracefully or at least delay the aging process?

In our armamentarium are two useful products: hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin which work well separately but also work in tandem.

Signs of Aging in the Face:

Unwanted Wrinkles

  • Thinning of dermis and atrophy of fat pads

  • Greater visibility of bony landmarks, blood vessels, wrinkles, and furrows

  • Prominence of the nasolabial folds (NLFs)

    • Like parentheses () around the nose and mouth

    • Upper Lip, Chin

Dynamic vs Static Wrinkles

  • Dynamic wrinkles in the facial skin appear or are highlighted when the underlying muscles are in motion

    • Example: when you smile or frown

  • Static wrinkles appear when the face is at rest or not moving

    • Example: nasolabial folds

Hyaluronic Acid Filler

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring polysaccharide (sugar)

The most important characteristic of hyaluronic acid relevant to its performance as a dermal filler is its fluid retention, i.e., water binding capabilities

Other functions of hyaluronic acid:

  • Aids cell motility in the body

  • Involved in wound healing

  • Joint protection

How does hyaluronic acid soft tissue filler work?

  • Hyaluronic acid is a natural occurring substance in our body that is usually abundant is young people.

  • It is naturally occurring in the body.

  • It is broken down by our body’s enzymes.

  • As we get older, there is less hyaluronic acid.

  • Injection of hyaluronic acid inflates areas of the face that are sunken and wrinkled.

How can botulinum toxin chemodenervation and hyaluronic acid soft tissue filler be combined in clinical practice?

Hyaluronic Acid Filler and Botulinum toxin filler work synergistically to address both dynamic and static wrinkles.

The use of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin chemodenervation in combination treatments is safe and practical as both substances work in synergy to provide a natural rejuvenation.

Dermatological Laser Services

  • Laser for facial rejuvenation: V-beam, Microlaser Peel, IPL

  • Laser for syringoma, tightening of eyebag skin: Sciton

  • Laser to remove hair at the lowest cost: GentleLase

  • Laser for scars, veins, stretch marks & redness: V-beam

  • Laser for tattoo removal, pigmentation reduction, panda eyes, uneven skin-tone, and nail fungus: Starwalker

Pulse Dye Laser (V-beam Laser)

The Pulse Dye Laser (V-Beam Laser) is mainly a vascular specific laser. This is the gold standard amongst all lasers to safely and adequately treat a variety of congenital and acquired vascular lesions (alterations in the size and form of blood vessels).

The V-Beam Laser may be used to treat the following conditions:

Congenital Vascular Lesions

  • Hemangiomas - a benign usually self limiting tumor cells that line in the blood vessels.

  • Port Win Stains - a blood vessel anomaly specifically capillary malformation in the skin

  • Venous malformations - developmental errors in vein formation

  • Lymphangiomas - malformations of the lymphatic system (a network of vessels responsible for returning the venous system excess fluid from tissues)

Acquired Vascular Lesion

  • Diffuse Redness

  • Rosacea - a chronic condition characterized by facial redness and pimples

  • Red mars from Acne

  • Facial Veins

  • Leg Veins

  • Telangiectasia - small dilated (expanded) blood vessels near the surface of the skin or mucous membrane

  • Scar and Stretch Marks

  • Cherry Angiomas small papules (a circular elevation in the skin with no visible fluid) on the skin containing abnormal proliferation of blood vessels

  • Poikiloderma - a sking condition that consists of areas of increased and decreased pigmentation prominent blood vessels and thinning of the skin

Fractional ablative erbium: YAG Laser (Profactional Therapy by Sciton)

Fractional laser resurfacing has become a popular option for patients who want to improve the appearance of their skin to be smooth, firm and evenly toned. The erbium: YAG Laser has the ability to create microscopic channels in the skin which activates production of fibroblasts (cell that contributes to connective tissue fiber formation). The surrounding tissue beside these ablated channels remains intact and promotes rapid healing. Unlike traditional laser peels, fractional technology offers a short downtime solution to these skin problems.

Profractional Therapy can be used to treat:

  • Skin Laxity (skin looseness)

  • Sun Damage

  • Skin Pigmentation

  • Post traumatic, surgical and acne scars

  • Deep wrinkles, fine lines, wrinkles around the mouth and eyes

Broad Band Light (Skin Tyte by Sciton)

The Skin Tyte module utilizes infrared energy delivered in rapid gentle pulses to deeply heat dermal collagen (substance that makes the middle skin layer firm) and increase skin firmness. This is done while continuously protecting the treated epidermis with sapphire contact cooling.

Long-Pulsed Alexandrite Laser (GentleLase LASER)

Having a healthy smooth and glowing skin is not enough to have these days. Removal of unwanted hair is becoming one of beauty standards to attain a perfect beautiful skin. The latest technologies in cutaneous laser surgery or laser surgery of the skin promises patients to attain the skin they have been dreaming of without the hassles of conventional therapies of unwanted hair removal such as waxing, shaving, tweezing, and elctrolysis often complain of allergies, superficial burns, and localized skin infections. Now you have the option to safely, comfortably and effectively remove unwanted hair with our Long-Pulsed Alexandrite Laser (GentleLase Laser).

The GentleLase is effective for the treatment of:

  • Unwanted Hair
    - Axillae or underarm
    - Chest / Back
    - Bikini
    - Upper arms / Forearms
    - Upper Lip, Chin
    - Glabella (smooth elevation of bone just above the bridge of the nose)
    - Beard
    - Upper / Lower Legs

  • Hirsutism - excessive hair growth in women such as in the face or chest

  • Hypertrichosis - abnormal amount of hair growth over the body


New technology to treat a variety of pigment problems and tattoos

The Aesthetics Center is equipped with the StarWalker MaQX, the latest, top of the line, laser system that performs a wide range of applications in aesthetics. The Starwalker MaQX functions as a highly versatile, multipurpose system for treating tattoos, pigmented and vascular lesions, acne and scar revision and even permanent hair reduction.

This new technology delivers minimally invasive procedures with ultimate precision that cannot be performed with the same safety and efficacy by any other means.

Starwalker MaQX also produces clinical benefits including fewer treatment sessions for some procedures and little downtime coupled with patient comfort and satisfaction.

For inquiries about The Medical City's Laser Services, please call TMC's Aesthetics Center tel. no. (+632) 8988-1000 / (+632) 8988-7000 ext. 6586

Hair Transplantation

Known HAIR Facts:

  1. A person's hair is his/her crowning glory.

  2. At 50 years of ages, 50% of the population would have experienced some kind of hair thinning / hair loss.

  3. There are limited and occasionally effective treatment options for genetic or pattern hair loss.

  4. Hair transplantation is the only permanent solution for genetic or pattern hair loss.

At The Medical City Hair Unit:

  1. We have a roster of competent dermatology / hair specialists to diagnose and treat hair disorders.

  2. Both follicular unit hair transplantation (FUT / strip method), follicular unit extraction (FUE), and body hair transplant is offered to suitable candidates.

  3. Very natural looking and long lasting results can be seen for scalp, eyebrow, moustache, side burns, scalp scar camouflage and body hair transplant.

To find out if hair transplantation is an option for your hair loss problems, please visit the Wellness and Aesthetics Institute or call us at 8988-1000/8988-7000.

Patch Testing

What is Patch Testing?

PATCH TESTING is a safe and easy way to identify whether a substance that comes in contact with the skin is causing an allergy.

Patch testing should be done to patients who have skin lesions / dermatitis or any of the following conditions:

  • Suspect specific antigen (substance that binds to a specific antibody) or substance

  • A history and distribution of the rash highly suggestive of contact dermatitis

  • Other dermatitides that flare or do no not respond to treatment:
    - Atopic eczema
    - Statis Dematitis
    - Hand Dermatitis
    - Seborrheic Dermatitis
    - Chronic tinea pedis & manus
    - Nummular eczema (is a dermatitis characterized by round or oval shaped itchy lesions)

  • Occupationally related dermatitis

  • Undiagnosed cutaneous problems and erythroderma (an inflammatory skin disease with erythema (redness) and scaling that affects the entire skin surface).

  • Special situations
    - Urticaria
    - Photosensitivity
    - Systematic contact dermatitis


What are the benefits of phototherapy?

  • It is safer than oral medications.

  • It avoids the use of oral immunosuppressive drug or medications that weakens the immune system (e.g. oral steroids, methotrexate) in treating skin diseases.

  • It lessons the use of oral/topical medications (e.g. topical steroids).

  • It is more efficient than topical alone.

  • It is one of the options for immunocompromised patients who have chronic skin disesases since phototherapy does not have internal side effects unlike oral immunosuppressive medications.

Minor Dermatologic Procedures

Electrosurgical Procedures

Electrodessication can be used to remove:

Viral warts - verruca plana, verruca vulgaris - a small rough growth resembling a cauliflower that typically occurs on human hands or feet but can also be found in other locations.

Achrocordon - a small benign tumor that focus primarily in areas where the skin form creases (neck, armpit, groin)

Seborrheic keratosis - benign skin growth that appears in various colors from light tan to black

Sebaceous hyperplasia - disorder of sebaceous gland where they become enlarged

Syringoma - a harmless sweat duct tumor found clustered on the eyelids

Pyogenic granuloma - a vascular lesion that appears on both mucosa and skin, and looks like an overgrowth of tissue due to irritation, physical trauma, hormonla factors

Actinic keratosis - a pre malignant condition of thick, scaly, or crusty patches of skin

Basal cell carinoma - the most common skin cancer

Mohs Micrographic Surgery

The most complex dermatologic procedures involve life threatening conditions. Skin cancer when caught early can be managed surgically without chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Steps in Mohs Micrographic Surgery:

1. Tissue is excised with 2 mm margin.

2. Specimen is inked, mapped and mounted 100% on a slide.

3. Slide is examined by Mohs surgeon for tumor.

In genuine Mohs micrographic surgery, your dermatologist performs all three:

- Surgery
- Pathology
- Reconstruction

Mohs micrographic surgery offers the highest cure rate for:

- Basal cell cancer
- Squamous cell cancer
- Melanoma in situ
- Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
- Merkel cell carcinoma
- Sebaceous carcinoma
- Angiosarcoma

Multidiscipinary management is a corner stone of complex skin cancer cases.

This may involve:
- Radiation
- Oncology
- Ophthlamology
- Plastic surgery

Why Choose Mohs Surgery?

  • Highest Cure Rate

  • Lowest Reccurence

  • Smaller Defect

  • More Aesthetic Scar

  • 90% Outpatient Basis

  • No need for admission

  • No need for fasting if local anesthesia

  • You can eat, read a book, use your IPAD while waiting for your result

  • Safest Outcome

  • Works on patients up to 100 years old

  • Low Cost

  • Covered by PhilHealth

For inquiries, you may contact The Medical City trunkline at 8988-1000/8988-7000.