1. Risk for pregnancy complications which is serviced by the High Risk Pregnancy unit of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Section
2. Risk for cancers which is handled by the Cervix, Endometrium, Ovaries Clinic
3. Risk for reproductive / gynecologic endocrinology abnormalities
The Medical City has a High-Risk Pregnancy Clinic, situated within the WHCC. It is a specialized unit composed of a team of Obstetricians who are specialists in the care of complicated, high-risk pregnancies. Its staff includes board-certified Perinatologists who are in good standing with the Philippine Society of Maternal and Fetal Medicine.
The High Risk Pregnancy Clinic is designed to deliver care for high risk obstetric patients. It is equipped to accommodate a subset of pregnant women who:
Screening Tests for Aneuploidy and Risks for Preeclampsia
Screening Test for Congenital Heart Defects
Fetal Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures
Fetal Monitoring Procedures
Multiple Pregnancy Management
Genetic Counseling
Coordination with other fields of specialty when needed
Any one of the following may be a reason for consult with a Perinatologist:
Consult with a Perinatologist before getting pregnant (preconception) may be sought for evaluation and/or prevention of certain conditions.
Conditions evaluated and/or treated include:
• Maternal conditions or diseases include, but are not limited to:
• Multiple gestation (twins and higher order gestation)
• A known/suspected fetal anomaly
• Management of Rhisoimmunization in pregnancy
Congenital Anomaly Scan (Targeted Imaging for Fetal Anomaly)
This type of ultrasound exam is a detailed exam of the baby’s organs and features. It is usually done after 18 weeks of pregnancy and it can help explain abnormal screening test results and provide more information.
3D/4D ultrasound
When needed, a 3D/4D ultrasound may be done to enhance images initially seen on 2D ultrasound. Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound has the advantage of additional depth and detail rendering the resulting image more distinct and comprehensible to the family.
The Center provides a wide range of ultrasound services:
First trimester scans
Fetal growth scans
Scans on multiple gestations
3D/4D technology may sometimes be beneficial in cases of targeted imaging for identified fetal anomalies. However, the limitations of 3D are often the same as 2D; therefore, this technology is used at the attending physician's discretion. Please be aware that fetal position may limit the ability to obtain optimal keepsake images.
Will I be able to find out the sex of my baby?
Although the doctor can tell you what sex she thinks the baby will be, ultrasound is not 100 percent accurate in fetal sex determination, as it is dependent on the baby's gestational age and position.
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The Medical City’s Women’s Health Care Center (WHCC) is strategically located on the 6th Floor of the Hospital Podium across the OB-GYN office/Conference room and the Department Chair’s office.
(632) 8-988-1000 / (632) 8-988-7000 ext. 6336